I have been quite lazy the last two weeks. It has been way too hot to get excited about housework. Finally it is down to about 29 Celcius so I got busy and looked up the routine to see what had to be done today.
Third Tuesday is vacuum the downstairs bedrooms and dust upstairs Venetian blinds and clean the windows.
I started about 9:15.
I picked up a few things in the bedroom and put clothes in the washing basket and straightened the bedclothes. It is not clean out the bedroom day so it is not perfect.
I put the washing on.
There are only the towels to do now. I will put them in next.
Upstairs there are two rooms with blinds. I dust these then clean these two windows.
I use two sheets of paper towel and fold it over to 1/4 size. The paper and cleaner is from Aldi.
Very little dirt on the windows even though it has been about 6 weeks since I last cleaned them. I clean the window sill at the same time.
I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned up the sink and counters from yesterday and took out the garbage. I only clean the kitchen once in the morning each day.
All done by 10:15.
I still had to hang out the clothes but I just do the washing in between other things I do throughout the day.
Wednesday is a free day since I go to quilt group in the morning. So next day is Thursday.
Secret Number 3
Don't worry about catching up. If you miss an item in the routine just leave it til next month and only do what is listed for that day.
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